The night is cold
Took the dreams away and you're getting old
You know the journey isn't easy though
But it's Him that leads you so
Do you realized how far you've been through?
Even you and no one believe it's true
Look into yourself, yes it's you
The path is more than one, not even two.
The soul is weird
The feeling is odd
It's the end I thought
The day I never forgot
He came then whispered, " Please return to your God"
Soon you turned back, " Yes, the answer i already got"
Ponder, dwell and have faith in Him, the thing you never regret.
(Me, 031013, 2210)
p/s: I've abandoned this blog for some time. I've been busy seeking for everything. Insyaallah. Will share about time facing death from Ustaz Ahmad Dasuki soon, Insyaallah. Till then.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Post raya
Masyaallah dah 3 bulan tak tulis apa-apa kt blog ni. Tapi agak busy utk 3 bulan ni. Blog my bff pun jarang bukak yg dulunya setiap hari akan tgk. Yes, im her biggest fan and supporter.
Jadinya Ramadhan Alhamdulillah dah berlalu. Insyaallah terus istiqamah dengan tarbiyah Ramadhan. Not much iman upgraded but at least ok for a beginner like me. Semoga terus dan terus istiqamah.
Gained few kilos post raya which is not ohsem at all. Walaupun seksa ada aphtous ulcers dekat gusi, lidah dan bibir tapi nikmat makan masih ada. Currently still trying hard to reduce wieght. Thanks to my roomate aka my zumba's instructor. Hehe
Bulan ni genap setahun bersama usrah. Syukur. Usrah is one of the best thing happened in my life. So blessed, Alhamdulillah.
Yes, im in year 4. Busy, tougher. Semoga dipermudahkan. Oh yes, sharing for today, there is so many ways to practice sunnah Rasulullah. One of them is baca doa selepas azan. Other than that bersugi each time before solat. Very easy right? So, lets practice. Insyaallah dapat pahala.
Insyaallah esok raya. Lambat btl habis puasa 6. Nasib baik sempat. Eloklah audit iman dlm diri. Hmm. Till then. Salam.
Masyaallah dah 3 bulan tak tulis apa-apa kt blog ni. Tapi agak busy utk 3 bulan ni. Blog my bff pun jarang bukak yg dulunya setiap hari akan tgk. Yes, im her biggest fan and supporter.
Jadinya Ramadhan Alhamdulillah dah berlalu. Insyaallah terus istiqamah dengan tarbiyah Ramadhan. Not much iman upgraded but at least ok for a beginner like me. Semoga terus dan terus istiqamah.
Gained few kilos post raya which is not ohsem at all. Walaupun seksa ada aphtous ulcers dekat gusi, lidah dan bibir tapi nikmat makan masih ada. Currently still trying hard to reduce wieght. Thanks to my roomate aka my zumba's instructor. Hehe
Bulan ni genap setahun bersama usrah. Syukur. Usrah is one of the best thing happened in my life. So blessed, Alhamdulillah.
Yes, im in year 4. Busy, tougher. Semoga dipermudahkan. Oh yes, sharing for today, there is so many ways to practice sunnah Rasulullah. One of them is baca doa selepas azan. Other than that bersugi each time before solat. Very easy right? So, lets practice. Insyaallah dapat pahala.
Insyaallah esok raya. Lambat btl habis puasa 6. Nasib baik sempat. Eloklah audit iman dlm diri. Hmm. Till then. Salam.
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open houses. this is why i am so gemok |
Thursday, May 16, 2013
My check list
Sejujurnya blog ini kembali seperti dahulu yg sunyi sepi selama sebulan. I was too busy for the last 1 month. Yes truly busy. Tapi Alhamdulillah malam ni sempat menghadap laptop ni sekejap utk update beberapa benda lah.Takde lah update sgt pun.
First, my check list. GE13 settled. Alhamdulillah. I think there was new scenario for Malaysian which was tsunami rakyat not tsunami Chinese that turned up to vote that day. It is not fair to labelled that was tsunami Chinese since there were lots of Malay candidate in parliament. My personal opinion lah. Lagipun, semua kan berbangga yg kita 1 Malaysia. Why very sudden everybody just forget about it and became very racist, Pelik jugak rasanya. Cukuplah pasal GE13 yg tsunami nya makin surut. Pray for a better Malaysia for the next 5 years, better Islam applicable in all Muslim and better scenario in GE14. Hope so.
The best part is, my final year 3 medical exam is over. I had exam last week. Tak payah sebut lah dugaan long case paeds posting. But I feel blessed since Allah was giving me a chance to really controlled my maximum level of patience and stay calm yet strong during long case that day. I made it. It was over. The written exam for paeds, O&G also Rural & Urban Health also done. So for a week i was like relaxing, chilling and concentrate for research elective. The feeling of habis exam reallly awesome. No word can describe so don't have to describe.
The more interesting part is, i almost finish with the research elective. Yeay. The data was analyzed and we are still working for the report some more. So we hope and we quite confident that by tomorrow everything will complete. Insyaallah.
So, the most shocking part in the check list is, all the final year 3 exam result was revealed! Alhamdulillah Ya Allah, for Your Ihsan. I always have faith in You, and I believe that You always know how to make my heart at ease. Syukur Ya Allah. I'm looking forward to be in Year 4 soon. Insyaallah.
Semua check list utk update da tulis kot. Hehe. By the way, congratulation to Moksu Afizan Sharina for your master convocation in Marketing (lupa la nama penuh your master course). Congratulation to my lovely fren Dya and Siti for your convocation in Bachelor of Chemical Forensic. Betul ke ni ek you guys punya full name course? Very proud of you.
Sharing for today, lets recite Al-Mulk each time before bed. Tak panjang pun ayatnya. It's sunnah. Rasulullah SAW pernah menyatakan yg utk elak daripada azab kubur adalah dengan membaca Al-Mulk( Kalo tak silap la). Oh ya, less than 60 days we are going to welcome Ramadhan again, so have u plan about your amalan for Ramadhan? Let's start earlier ya. Also don't forget try habiskan Al-Kahfi sebelum Maghrib esok ye.
Sejujurnya blog ini kembali seperti dahulu yg sunyi sepi selama sebulan. I was too busy for the last 1 month. Yes truly busy. Tapi Alhamdulillah malam ni sempat menghadap laptop ni sekejap utk update beberapa benda lah.Takde lah update sgt pun.
First, my check list. GE13 settled. Alhamdulillah. I think there was new scenario for Malaysian which was tsunami rakyat not tsunami Chinese that turned up to vote that day. It is not fair to labelled that was tsunami Chinese since there were lots of Malay candidate in parliament. My personal opinion lah. Lagipun, semua kan berbangga yg kita 1 Malaysia. Why very sudden everybody just forget about it and became very racist, Pelik jugak rasanya. Cukuplah pasal GE13 yg tsunami nya makin surut. Pray for a better Malaysia for the next 5 years, better Islam applicable in all Muslim and better scenario in GE14. Hope so.
The best part is, my final year 3 medical exam is over. I had exam last week. Tak payah sebut lah dugaan long case paeds posting. But I feel blessed since Allah was giving me a chance to really controlled my maximum level of patience and stay calm yet strong during long case that day. I made it. It was over. The written exam for paeds, O&G also Rural & Urban Health also done. So for a week i was like relaxing, chilling and concentrate for research elective. The feeling of habis exam reallly awesome. No word can describe so don't have to describe.
The more interesting part is, i almost finish with the research elective. Yeay. The data was analyzed and we are still working for the report some more. So we hope and we quite confident that by tomorrow everything will complete. Insyaallah.
So, the most shocking part in the check list is, all the final year 3 exam result was revealed! Alhamdulillah Ya Allah, for Your Ihsan. I always have faith in You, and I believe that You always know how to make my heart at ease. Syukur Ya Allah. I'm looking forward to be in Year 4 soon. Insyaallah.
Semua check list utk update da tulis kot. Hehe. By the way, congratulation to Moksu Afizan Sharina for your master convocation in Marketing (lupa la nama penuh your master course). Congratulation to my lovely fren Dya and Siti for your convocation in Bachelor of Chemical Forensic. Betul ke ni ek you guys punya full name course? Very proud of you.
Sharing for today, lets recite Al-Mulk each time before bed. Tak panjang pun ayatnya. It's sunnah. Rasulullah SAW pernah menyatakan yg utk elak daripada azab kubur adalah dengan membaca Al-Mulk( Kalo tak silap la). Oh ya, less than 60 days we are going to welcome Ramadhan again, so have u plan about your amalan for Ramadhan? Let's start earlier ya. Also don't forget try habiskan Al-Kahfi sebelum Maghrib esok ye.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Positivity Reflects Urself (PRU)
I went home last weekend. Yes, i mean hometown which is Kota Bharu Bandaraya Islam. It was my third time back home within 2 months. Good record. Hehe.
Balik rumah sebab abah warded due to prolong fever with jaundice. Demam lebih seminggu even completed antibiotic. Menurut doctor, there was elevated liver enzymes, obviously lah sbb ada jaundice kan. Urea and creatinine pun a bit high. Tapi Alhamdulillah abah dah discharged dan demamnya beransur berkurangan. Disebabkan liver enzymes & electrolytes level improved doctor bagi discharged dengan antibiotic. Tapi blood test serology still pending. Abah kata 21hb baru jumpa doctor utk review blood result. Insyaallah takde pape lah.
Actually 14th April which is Sunday was abah's birthday. Sempat lah beli cake sebijik utk abah. Yg penting bukan saya yg sponsor cake tu. Im just a student, what do u expect? Hehe. Alhamdulillah ada hikmah rupanya abah warded since semua anak2, menantu & cucu berkumpul bersama abah.
Yg menariknya meriah sungguh suasana di ambang PRU13 di KB. Rasa nyaman je sbb sepanjang jalan dipenuhi dengan color 'tumbuhan'. Sejuk sikit rasanya. Tapi yg penting akidah, akhlak dan adab kena jaga di musim PRU13 ni sbb banyak jgk fitnah, caci maki kedua belah pihak kepada pihak lawan. Jangan juga sampai terputus silaturrahim sebab isu politik pula. Amatlah cetek ilmu kita kalo terjadi macam tu. Nauzubillah. Semoga Allah lindungi kita semua dan Malaysia dibawah kepimpinan yg diredhai Allah. Insyaallah.
By the way, Insyaallah next week sy start nk edar stock tudung akel bidang 50 & 60. Kawan2 do sms, pm, bbm, whatsapp, we chat or call utk dapatkan tudung akel with lower price.
I went home last weekend. Yes, i mean hometown which is Kota Bharu Bandaraya Islam. It was my third time back home within 2 months. Good record. Hehe.
Balik rumah sebab abah warded due to prolong fever with jaundice. Demam lebih seminggu even completed antibiotic. Menurut doctor, there was elevated liver enzymes, obviously lah sbb ada jaundice kan. Urea and creatinine pun a bit high. Tapi Alhamdulillah abah dah discharged dan demamnya beransur berkurangan. Disebabkan liver enzymes & electrolytes level improved doctor bagi discharged dengan antibiotic. Tapi blood test serology still pending. Abah kata 21hb baru jumpa doctor utk review blood result. Insyaallah takde pape lah.
Actually 14th April which is Sunday was abah's birthday. Sempat lah beli cake sebijik utk abah. Yg penting bukan saya yg sponsor cake tu. Im just a student, what do u expect? Hehe. Alhamdulillah ada hikmah rupanya abah warded since semua anak2, menantu & cucu berkumpul bersama abah.
Yg menariknya meriah sungguh suasana di ambang PRU13 di KB. Rasa nyaman je sbb sepanjang jalan dipenuhi dengan color 'tumbuhan'. Sejuk sikit rasanya. Tapi yg penting akidah, akhlak dan adab kena jaga di musim PRU13 ni sbb banyak jgk fitnah, caci maki kedua belah pihak kepada pihak lawan. Jangan juga sampai terputus silaturrahim sebab isu politik pula. Amatlah cetek ilmu kita kalo terjadi macam tu. Nauzubillah. Semoga Allah lindungi kita semua dan Malaysia dibawah kepimpinan yg diredhai Allah. Insyaallah.
By the way, Insyaallah next week sy start nk edar stock tudung akel bidang 50 & 60. Kawan2 do sms, pm, bbm, whatsapp, we chat or call utk dapatkan tudung akel with lower price.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Duet saya, rezeki dia
Seminar petang tadi telah cancel dengan jayanya sbb Doctor on leave utk jaga isterinya yg bersalin. Sweet Doc, Insyaallah rumah tangga terus bahagia. Hehe. So disebabkan ke'sweet'an doctor tu kami pun maafkan dia sebab cancelkan class :) (even we really upset about this.haha.seriously since we love to finish classes in the first 4 weeks of posting).
Saya ambil kesempatan class takde utk servis si whitey yg dah lama terlebih tarikh utk diservis. Sejujurnya selepas guna kereta pinjam ihsan dr Abah sy lebih berjimat cermat. Jauh beza dengan zaman dulu2 yg suka sungguh shopping. Sekarang berbelanja wisely, Insyaallah la kot. At least pd sy wisely pd org lain sy tak tau.
Bila difikir2 betul kata Ustaz UAI,
" Duet yang ada dalam poket kita, purse kita mahupun akaun bank kita belum tentu lg rezeki kita, Mungkin rezeki taukeh bengkel kereta, rezeki taukeh hypermarket, mungkin rezeki si polan utk kita belanja dan sebagainya. Tapi yg pasti rezeki kita adalah duet yg kita sedekahkan pd org yg kurang berkemampuan."
(Sorry if there's any few words that i purposely add on. Hehe)
Marilah kita jadikan semua duet2 kita tu rezeki kita dgn bersedekah. Tapi iyalah, kena menabung jgk utk keperluan kita. Yang penting, jgn membazir dan jangan sesekali lokek atau kedekut nk bersedekah. The more u give, the more u get back. Insyaallah.
Macam sy hari ni, memang lah duet sy td dah jadi rezeki Perodua. Tapi Alhamdulillah rezeki sy dapat detect tayar ada bocor sbb pijak paku yg agak besar jgk lah. (Meaning, more Ka-ching! Hehe)
Seminar petang tadi telah cancel dengan jayanya sbb Doctor on leave utk jaga isterinya yg bersalin. Sweet Doc, Insyaallah rumah tangga terus bahagia. Hehe. So disebabkan ke'sweet'an doctor tu kami pun maafkan dia sebab cancelkan class :) (even we really upset about this.haha.seriously since we love to finish classes in the first 4 weeks of posting).
Saya ambil kesempatan class takde utk servis si whitey yg dah lama terlebih tarikh utk diservis. Sejujurnya selepas guna kereta pinjam ihsan dr Abah sy lebih berjimat cermat. Jauh beza dengan zaman dulu2 yg suka sungguh shopping. Sekarang berbelanja wisely, Insyaallah la kot. At least pd sy wisely pd org lain sy tak tau.
Bila difikir2 betul kata Ustaz UAI,
" Duet yang ada dalam poket kita, purse kita mahupun akaun bank kita belum tentu lg rezeki kita, Mungkin rezeki taukeh bengkel kereta, rezeki taukeh hypermarket, mungkin rezeki si polan utk kita belanja dan sebagainya. Tapi yg pasti rezeki kita adalah duet yg kita sedekahkan pd org yg kurang berkemampuan."
(Sorry if there's any few words that i purposely add on. Hehe)
Marilah kita jadikan semua duet2 kita tu rezeki kita dgn bersedekah. Tapi iyalah, kena menabung jgk utk keperluan kita. Yang penting, jgn membazir dan jangan sesekali lokek atau kedekut nk bersedekah. The more u give, the more u get back. Insyaallah.
Macam sy hari ni, memang lah duet sy td dah jadi rezeki Perodua. Tapi Alhamdulillah rezeki sy dapat detect tayar ada bocor sbb pijak paku yg agak besar jgk lah. (Meaning, more Ka-ching! Hehe)
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Do u recognize them? They are not Fahrin Ahmad & Zizan Razak. They are Ustaz Don Daniyal & UAI ;p |
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Cut down, please
Lately i'm too concern about how many calories did i take per day. Lately meaning these 3 days. Very current lah kan. Actually was weighed myself using special penimbang that shows your composition of fat, your metabolic age, water composition, visceral fat and your composition of muscle during 'shake party' by mami.
At first i was like, "ok, not that bad. my BMI still normal, visceral fat ok lah. Urm, muscle tak payah la banyak sgt & fat composition pun not that bad. Air memang kurg minum pun. Takpelah mungkin metabolic age tak penting". So typical attitude of people that live in denial like ME, as expected. Tgk badan la kan. Haha.
But then when i started to think that i'm gaining weight from day to day despite my 2 meals per day without any snack, it's actually a disaster. I eat wrong food each day. Very high calorie, very unhealthy. Exercise definitely ZERO. And oh yes, my metabolism rate is very low since my daily calorie that my body can tolerate is only 1227 calorie. Very low. So need to cut down daily calorie intake some more.
Don't get me wrong since i'm not promoting any product here, but i'm kinda try to adjust my meal. Dinner take high fiber cracker with milo or mushroom soup seems ok. Provided 2-3 pieces for each meal. Kalo 7,8 pieces blh bantai nasi goreng terus kot. Hehe. For lunch take normal rice since the essence of hungry during lunch is irresistible. Agree? Sangat lapar kan. Breakfast usually tak makan pun since tak sempat or sometimes take milo. Ok kot. 1 more thing maybe i can substitute my favourite teh ice with plain water. So save 150 calorie for creamer in teh ice.
The actual story that i wanna tell here is actually i was too hungry today since i just managed to have sandwich for brunch, then i went to Kg Melayu after class and bought our 1Malaysia favourite goreng pisang & keropok lekor. ( Sorry i lend the word 1Malaysia here.hehe). Lepas bantai like 4 pieces goreng pisang & 5 pieces keropok lekor sgt menyesal sbb i checked the calorie is actually 170 calorie per pieces. Damn. Very sad. Tapi nikmat makan tu sometimes rasanya very worth it jugak for temporarily, not long term. So how to manage your meal and calorie intake with some consideration of your desire to eat? Need very high discipline aka istiqamah. Let's strive for healthy meal and take care our amanah aka our body.
p/s; for exercise type person don't need to worry about calorie intake since u burn up calorie every day
p/s; i got gastritis plus vomiting last night because i tried to cut down my calorie intake with some replacement how?
Lately i'm too concern about how many calories did i take per day. Lately meaning these 3 days. Very current lah kan. Actually was weighed myself using special penimbang that shows your composition of fat, your metabolic age, water composition, visceral fat and your composition of muscle during 'shake party' by mami.
At first i was like, "ok, not that bad. my BMI still normal, visceral fat ok lah. Urm, muscle tak payah la banyak sgt & fat composition pun not that bad. Air memang kurg minum pun. Takpelah mungkin metabolic age tak penting". So typical attitude of people that live in denial like ME, as expected. Tgk badan la kan. Haha.
But then when i started to think that i'm gaining weight from day to day despite my 2 meals per day without any snack, it's actually a disaster. I eat wrong food each day. Very high calorie, very unhealthy. Exercise definitely ZERO. And oh yes, my metabolism rate is very low since my daily calorie that my body can tolerate is only 1227 calorie. Very low. So need to cut down daily calorie intake some more.
Don't get me wrong since i'm not promoting any product here, but i'm kinda try to adjust my meal. Dinner take high fiber cracker with milo or mushroom soup seems ok. Provided 2-3 pieces for each meal. Kalo 7,8 pieces blh bantai nasi goreng terus kot. Hehe. For lunch take normal rice since the essence of hungry during lunch is irresistible. Agree? Sangat lapar kan. Breakfast usually tak makan pun since tak sempat or sometimes take milo. Ok kot. 1 more thing maybe i can substitute my favourite teh ice with plain water. So save 150 calorie for creamer in teh ice.
The actual story that i wanna tell here is actually i was too hungry today since i just managed to have sandwich for brunch, then i went to Kg Melayu after class and bought our 1Malaysia favourite goreng pisang & keropok lekor. ( Sorry i lend the word 1Malaysia here.hehe). Lepas bantai like 4 pieces goreng pisang & 5 pieces keropok lekor sgt menyesal sbb i checked the calorie is actually 170 calorie per pieces. Damn. Very sad. Tapi nikmat makan tu sometimes rasanya very worth it jugak for temporarily, not long term. So how to manage your meal and calorie intake with some consideration of your desire to eat? Need very high discipline aka istiqamah. Let's strive for healthy meal and take care our amanah aka our body.
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Amat lah nikmat.hehe |
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they say these are the worst food. what do u say? |
p/s; for exercise type person don't need to worry about calorie intake since u burn up calorie every day
p/s; i got gastritis plus vomiting last night because i tried to cut down my calorie intake with some replacement how?
Sunday, March 31, 2013
clear the stock or stock clearance?
Dear friends, we still have few pieces square scarf from the 2nd bacth stock that i posted that Friday. Who's interested can check out the remaining 5 pieces. Then just sms me, BBM, whatsapp or pm me on fb at anytime.
We still have these printed square scarf:
Happy shopping everyone. Maybe u are the lucky one who might get special price for this 2nd batch clearance stock :)
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My bff, Fateen Najlaa nampak sgt ayu wearing Fateema printed square scarf by shabira design. |
Dear friends, we still have few pieces square scarf from the 2nd bacth stock that i posted that Friday. Who's interested can check out the remaining 5 pieces. Then just sms me, BBM, whatsapp or pm me on fb at anytime.
We still have these printed square scarf:
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Adni black printed square scarf RM23 |
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Adni purple printed square scarf RM23 |
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Malika light purple printed square scarf RM23 |
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Umaisat black&white printed square scarf RM23 |
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Umaisat ribbon printed square scarf RM23 |
kejar 2D
How's your weekend? My weekend was great as always, thanks to Allah.
Nak share serba sikit perkongsian dr sesi usrah Khamis lepas. Tentang tafsir surah Al Insyirah @ As Syarh.
Insyirah bermaksud lapang dada, redha atau senang hati. Sesuai dgn maksud Insyirah itu sendiri, ayat ini diturunkan oleh Allah SWT utk memujuk Rasulullah SAW yg berdukacita pd waktu itu kerana dpt banyak halangan utk Baginda berakwah. Disebutkan jugak dalam tafsir mengatakan dugaan hamba Allah yg paling besar adalah bebanan dakwah dan juga bebanan cintakan dunia.
Sejauh mana dakwah kita? Ukurlah dgn sejauh mana kita cintakan dunia. Pastinya tak terbanding bahawa kita mengejar dunia melebihi kita kejar utk berdakwah. Masyaalah. Tapi ada masa lg utk kita ubah, utk jadi yg lebih baik. Sama-sama kita cuba, sama-sama saling mengingati tugas kita diturunkan di muka bumi ini. Insyaalah.
Allah menegaskan berulangkali iaitu 2 kali di mana maksudnya, 'Pada setiap kesusahan pasti ada kesenangan'. Indah kan janji Allah. Janji yg Maha pasti pulak tu. So janganlah kita putus asa. Hati berkeduh, jiwa kacau sekalipun teruskan berjuang dan percaya lah dengan janji Allah yg 1 ni. Insyaallah.
How's your weekend? My weekend was great as always, thanks to Allah.
Nak share serba sikit perkongsian dr sesi usrah Khamis lepas. Tentang tafsir surah Al Insyirah @ As Syarh.
Insyirah bermaksud lapang dada, redha atau senang hati. Sesuai dgn maksud Insyirah itu sendiri, ayat ini diturunkan oleh Allah SWT utk memujuk Rasulullah SAW yg berdukacita pd waktu itu kerana dpt banyak halangan utk Baginda berakwah. Disebutkan jugak dalam tafsir mengatakan dugaan hamba Allah yg paling besar adalah bebanan dakwah dan juga bebanan cintakan dunia.
Sejauh mana dakwah kita? Ukurlah dgn sejauh mana kita cintakan dunia. Pastinya tak terbanding bahawa kita mengejar dunia melebihi kita kejar utk berdakwah. Masyaalah. Tapi ada masa lg utk kita ubah, utk jadi yg lebih baik. Sama-sama kita cuba, sama-sama saling mengingati tugas kita diturunkan di muka bumi ini. Insyaalah.
Allah menegaskan berulangkali iaitu 2 kali di mana maksudnya, 'Pada setiap kesusahan pasti ada kesenangan'. Indah kan janji Allah. Janji yg Maha pasti pulak tu. So janganlah kita putus asa. Hati berkeduh, jiwa kacau sekalipun teruskan berjuang dan percaya lah dengan janji Allah yg 1 ni. Insyaallah.
Friday, March 29, 2013
2nd batch shabiradesign printed square scarf
Jumaat Mubarak everyone. Dah Al-Kahfi semua?
Masyaallah minggu ni sgt hectic. Class & ward works as usual , usrah as usual & SELLING PRINTED SQUARE SCARF that not my usual routine still. Hehe. Jadinya amatlah kelam kabut. Stock 2nd batch ni dah tak banyak tp takpelah still ada few pieces left. Jom tgk design baru utk 2nd batch ni.
Alhamdulillah most of them already out of stock. Siapa yg interested just sms, pm at fb, whatsapp or BBM me. Insyaallah will serve u asap. Permintaan bidang 50 insyaallah akan diusahakan. Thanks to dear customers and happy shopping to the potential customers :)
Jumaat Mubarak everyone. Dah Al-Kahfi semua?
Masyaallah minggu ni sgt hectic. Class & ward works as usual , usrah as usual & SELLING PRINTED SQUARE SCARF that not my usual routine still. Hehe. Jadinya amatlah kelam kabut. Stock 2nd batch ni dah tak banyak tp takpelah still ada few pieces left. Jom tgk design baru utk 2nd batch ni.
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Maryam blue brown RM15 (SOLD OUT) |
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Maryam floral RM15 (SOLD OUT) |
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Malika light purple RM23 |
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Malika blue RM23 (SOLD OUT) |
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Adni pink purple RM23 |
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Adni black RM23 |
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Medina green RM23 (SOLD OUT) |
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Medina red RM23 (SOLD OUT) |
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Umaisat black&white RM23 |
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Umaisat pink ribbon RM23 |
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Hannah pink RM28 (SOLD OUT) |
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Hannah green RM28 (SOLD OUT) |
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Hannah gold RM28 (SOLD OUT) |
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Hannah polo RM28 (SOLD OUT) |
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Auddra green RM28 (SOLD OUT) |
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Auddra blue yellow RM28 (SOLD OUT) |
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Auddra black RM28 (SOLD OUT) |
Monday, March 25, 2013
You & Him
Somehow, certain things no one can understand u, but He does.
Just have trust in Him, understand His decision, be patient with His test & trial.
Only then u can anticipate your feeling of acceptance.
Because at the end of the day, only His love will remain.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
lively life
It's clearly stated that women without any vision in life is one of the 'penghuni neraka' rite? (i hope it is sahih). Very simple. Just have a vision and you'll be a step closer to Jannah, Insyaallah. Provided our 'amalan' for saham akhirat is more than enough and ihsan Allah to grant us Jannah. Amin.
Islam is very clear since u can transparently see everything in it that compatible to our life. Subhanallah. So let's perform solat, cover our aurat & be good to others (of course including fasting, zakat & others). That's how we live everyday, rite. This is so called life. I mean lively life.
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copied from others facebook page |
Islam is very clear since u can transparently see everything in it that compatible to our life. Subhanallah. So let's perform solat, cover our aurat & be good to others (of course including fasting, zakat & others). That's how we live everyday, rite. This is so called life. I mean lively life.
Life = Islam
Monday, March 18, 2013
Alhamdulillah lepas habis long case exam utk O&G posting sy sempat blk KB utk rehat dgn family. Seronok sungguh sbb kat rumah perut kenyang sentiasa.
Paling best cuti 4 hari tu buat sy terdetik utk start berniaga tudung. Berniaga tudung ni bukanlah sesuatu yg baru utk sy. In fact, berniaga kuih muih pun pernah. Macam2 lah sy dah berniaga sbb minat.
Cuma uniknya kali ni sbb sy sendiri yg buat tudung tu walaupun tau akan cabarannya dengan kesibukan belajar. Insyaallah dipermudahkan.
Printed square scarf sy pilih sbb agak susah nk cari tudung2 ni dgn harga berpatutan. Niat nya nak memudahkan diri sendir & kawan2 yg berminat nak pakai printed square scarf. Tapi belum officially lg berniaga sbb sedang diusahakan stoknya. Tapi alhamdulillah dah ada pembeli. Yang 1st batch pengenalan dah tinggal beberapa helai je lagi. Blh browse gamba kt bawah ni utk tgk batch pengenalan.
Sy pilih material yg tidak jarang & berat. Sebab nak bg tutup rambut & leher dgn sempurna lah dan takde lah tudung tu terbang2. Tapi ada jgk yg agak nipis & fleksibel. Harganya berbeza mengikut kualiti kain. Tapi yg menariknya adalah size nya yg tak terlalu kecil, lebih kurang bidang 45. Insyaallah blh labuhkan tutp dada.
So siapa yg rasa berminat & berkenan blh la kindly pm me at facebook Shabira Che Ab Ghani atau sms terus pun blh.
Nantikan stock2 baru dari shabiradesign ye, Insyaallah :)
Alhamdulillah lepas habis long case exam utk O&G posting sy sempat blk KB utk rehat dgn family. Seronok sungguh sbb kat rumah perut kenyang sentiasa.
Paling best cuti 4 hari tu buat sy terdetik utk start berniaga tudung. Berniaga tudung ni bukanlah sesuatu yg baru utk sy. In fact, berniaga kuih muih pun pernah. Macam2 lah sy dah berniaga sbb minat.
Cuma uniknya kali ni sbb sy sendiri yg buat tudung tu walaupun tau akan cabarannya dengan kesibukan belajar. Insyaallah dipermudahkan.
Printed square scarf sy pilih sbb agak susah nk cari tudung2 ni dgn harga berpatutan. Niat nya nak memudahkan diri sendir & kawan2 yg berminat nak pakai printed square scarf. Tapi belum officially lg berniaga sbb sedang diusahakan stoknya. Tapi alhamdulillah dah ada pembeli. Yang 1st batch pengenalan dah tinggal beberapa helai je lagi. Blh browse gamba kt bawah ni utk tgk batch pengenalan.
Sy pilih material yg tidak jarang & berat. Sebab nak bg tutup rambut & leher dgn sempurna lah dan takde lah tudung tu terbang2. Tapi ada jgk yg agak nipis & fleksibel. Harganya berbeza mengikut kualiti kain. Tapi yg menariknya adalah size nya yg tak terlalu kecil, lebih kurang bidang 45. Insyaallah blh labuhkan tutp dada.
So siapa yg rasa berminat & berkenan blh la kindly pm me at facebook Shabira Che Ab Ghani atau sms terus pun blh.
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Fateema Square Scarf by shabiradesign RM15 (SOLD OUT) |
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Sophie Square Scarf by shabiradesign RM23 (both on the right SOLD OUT) |
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Umaisat Square Scarf by shabiradesign RM28 |
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Gorgeous Fateen Najlaa is wearing blueblack Sophie Square Scarf by shabiradesign |
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Self reminder
I was blog walking this afternoon and accidentally found this pic;
p/s: Kebenaran itu memang pahit untuk ditelan ;)
I was blog walking this afternoon and accidentally found this pic;
Is it too harsh? But it's damn true. Masyaallah.
p/s: Kebenaran itu memang pahit untuk ditelan ;)
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Friday, March 8, 2013
Al-Kahfi, jom!
Surah Al-Kahfi sememangnya simple utk kita amalkn. Setuju tak? Tapi mungkin mencabar jgk sbb surah Al-Kahfi agak panjang sedikit berbanding surah Yassin umpanya kan. Yg penting cuba amalkan dan terus cuba.
Antara panduan-panduan dlm surah Al-Kahfi adalah panduan bersahabat. Antaranya ada yg disebut, ' Saudaramu yg sebenar adalah saudaramu yg sentiasa bersama waktu susah dan senang, dan sentiasa mengajak ke arah kebaikan'.
Untuk mencari saudara/sahabat yg seperti di atas kita mestilah cuba jadi sahabat yg baik dulu kan. Betulkan diri sendiri, Insyaallah akan hadir jgk org yg baik sebagai sahabat kita.
p/s: let's groom on every Friday & being 'wangi'. Sunnah tu & semestinya dapat pahala bila amalkan. Jom ingatkan kawan2 jgk.
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Jom amalkan sunnah Jumaat! |
Surah Al-Kahfi sememangnya simple utk kita amalkn. Setuju tak? Tapi mungkin mencabar jgk sbb surah Al-Kahfi agak panjang sedikit berbanding surah Yassin umpanya kan. Yg penting cuba amalkan dan terus cuba.
Antara panduan-panduan dlm surah Al-Kahfi adalah panduan bersahabat. Antaranya ada yg disebut, ' Saudaramu yg sebenar adalah saudaramu yg sentiasa bersama waktu susah dan senang, dan sentiasa mengajak ke arah kebaikan'.
Untuk mencari saudara/sahabat yg seperti di atas kita mestilah cuba jadi sahabat yg baik dulu kan. Betulkan diri sendiri, Insyaallah akan hadir jgk org yg baik sebagai sahabat kita.
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Ouch! Peringatan utk diri sendiri & rakan2 yg disayangi. |
Thursday, March 7, 2013
The Journey of Bulatan Gembira
Malam ni pukul 830pm sy akan ke Keramat utk sesi usrah, yg lebih senang dipanggil Bulatan Gembira. Selalunya hari selasa tapi minggu ni hari Khamis sebab ramai yg tak available.
Alhamdulillah, kalau tak ada apa2 aral memang sy akan usaha lah hadirkan diri utk join Bulatan Gembira. Paling diusahakan adalah sampai tepat pd waktu. Alhamdulillah selalunya sampai antara yg paling awal sebab sy memang skema. Inherited the skema syndrome from my abah actually. Lucky me, right.
Nak share dari segi pengalaman join usrah memang tak banyak sebab sy join baru dalam 6 bulan. Baru sgt lagi. Tapi perubahan dlm cara hidup memang agak banyak. Paling penting hati ni rasa tenang sbb hdup ni balance dgn pendidikan dunia & akhirat, sekurang-kurangnya dari kaca mata sy. Alhamdulillah.
Nak cerita milestone berBulatan Gembira memang tak panjang mana lah kot. Saja nk share nanti sy tua2 blh selak blog sendiri utk ingat perjalanan sy mencari ilmu agama. Mula2 nak join usrah sebab galakan dari cousin sy yg memang elok akhlaknya seindah namanya, Nur Eyka Maisara. Kami mcm sisters yg blh borak mcm2 hal.
1 hari tu dia ckp, " Jomlah kita cari ilmu & tarik keluarga kita sama2 jadi keluarga Muslim yg unggul, walaupun keluarga kita biasa saja tapi kitalah yg Allah takdirkan utk membentuk keluarga kita jd Muslim yg lbh baik ".
Bukannya bermaksud keluarga kami tak bagus tapi nk kukuhkan lg utk sama2 berjuang ke arah dakwah. Alhamdulillah kami dibesarkn dgn keluarga yg amat pentingkan hal akidah & ibadah. Teori Islam yg sama dibekalkan kpd semua anak2 mahupun anak2 buah namun aplikasi nya mungkin tdk sekukuh ibu bapa sendiri. No doubt about that.
Bermula mlm itu sy berazam sy kena berubah dan cari tempat nk belajar ilmu. Cara paling mudah skrg adalah melalui usrah sbb usrah pd masa skrg adalah sesuatu yg typical dan tak pelik. So I asked Eyka to connect me with 1 naqibah at Sg Buloh since I'm going to stay at Sg buloh for clinical years. Tunggu punya tunggu takde yg contact sbb Eyka punya based kt Kelantan since dia belajar kt USM. Tapi takpe sy tetap tunggu sambil berjinak2 dlm pembacaan buku2 & artikel2 agama yg kebanyakannya sy pinjam dr Fateen Najlaa.
Saya mula praktikkan sikit2 dari segi doa. Alhamdulillah sy dpt tau lepas raya Aidilfitri Fateen dah mula start her 1st usrah session. Saya mula rasa lbh bersemangat nk join usrah.
Lepas 2 minggu, sy cakap kt Fateen, " Blh tak sha nk join usrah Fateen? Naqibah Fateen ok tak kalo sha join skali? ".
Fateen dengan positif jawab, " Blh, nanti Fateen tanyakan ".
Alhamdulillah Naqibah Fateen merangkap Naqibah sy jgk skrg iaitu Dr Radziah, yg merupakan Family Medcine Specialist kt Klinik Kesihatan Ampang menerima dgn hati terbuka. Bermula lah journey sy bersama Bulatan Gembira. Alhamdulillah. Rupa-rupanya Allah sebaik2 perancang. Walaupun sy menunggu agak lama feedback dr Eyka tapi Allah mudahkan jalan utk berusrah dgn Dr Radziah melalui Fateen. Subhanallah, indahnya perjalanan ni.
Masih ingin share pasal pembelajaran & pengalaman menarik sepanjang 6 bulan ni. Insyaallah next post pulak. Yg menariknya, Alhamdulillah kwn2 ramai yg berminat tanya psl Bulatan Gembira jgk.
Sisters Bulatan Gembira semuanya friendly & knowledgeable. Alhamdulillah. Masih banyak perubahan yg kena buat dari banyak segi. Semoga dipermudahkan. Amin.
Malam ni pukul 830pm sy akan ke Keramat utk sesi usrah, yg lebih senang dipanggil Bulatan Gembira. Selalunya hari selasa tapi minggu ni hari Khamis sebab ramai yg tak available.
Alhamdulillah, kalau tak ada apa2 aral memang sy akan usaha lah hadirkan diri utk join Bulatan Gembira. Paling diusahakan adalah sampai tepat pd waktu. Alhamdulillah selalunya sampai antara yg paling awal sebab sy memang skema. Inherited the skema syndrome from my abah actually. Lucky me, right.
Nak share dari segi pengalaman join usrah memang tak banyak sebab sy join baru dalam 6 bulan. Baru sgt lagi. Tapi perubahan dlm cara hidup memang agak banyak. Paling penting hati ni rasa tenang sbb hdup ni balance dgn pendidikan dunia & akhirat, sekurang-kurangnya dari kaca mata sy. Alhamdulillah.
Nak cerita milestone berBulatan Gembira memang tak panjang mana lah kot. Saja nk share nanti sy tua2 blh selak blog sendiri utk ingat perjalanan sy mencari ilmu agama. Mula2 nak join usrah sebab galakan dari cousin sy yg memang elok akhlaknya seindah namanya, Nur Eyka Maisara. Kami mcm sisters yg blh borak mcm2 hal.
1 hari tu dia ckp, " Jomlah kita cari ilmu & tarik keluarga kita sama2 jadi keluarga Muslim yg unggul, walaupun keluarga kita biasa saja tapi kitalah yg Allah takdirkan utk membentuk keluarga kita jd Muslim yg lbh baik ".
Bukannya bermaksud keluarga kami tak bagus tapi nk kukuhkan lg utk sama2 berjuang ke arah dakwah. Alhamdulillah kami dibesarkn dgn keluarga yg amat pentingkan hal akidah & ibadah. Teori Islam yg sama dibekalkan kpd semua anak2 mahupun anak2 buah namun aplikasi nya mungkin tdk sekukuh ibu bapa sendiri. No doubt about that.
Bermula mlm itu sy berazam sy kena berubah dan cari tempat nk belajar ilmu. Cara paling mudah skrg adalah melalui usrah sbb usrah pd masa skrg adalah sesuatu yg typical dan tak pelik. So I asked Eyka to connect me with 1 naqibah at Sg Buloh since I'm going to stay at Sg buloh for clinical years. Tunggu punya tunggu takde yg contact sbb Eyka punya based kt Kelantan since dia belajar kt USM. Tapi takpe sy tetap tunggu sambil berjinak2 dlm pembacaan buku2 & artikel2 agama yg kebanyakannya sy pinjam dr Fateen Najlaa.
Saya mula praktikkan sikit2 dari segi doa. Alhamdulillah sy dpt tau lepas raya Aidilfitri Fateen dah mula start her 1st usrah session. Saya mula rasa lbh bersemangat nk join usrah.
Lepas 2 minggu, sy cakap kt Fateen, " Blh tak sha nk join usrah Fateen? Naqibah Fateen ok tak kalo sha join skali? ".
Fateen dengan positif jawab, " Blh, nanti Fateen tanyakan ".
Alhamdulillah Naqibah Fateen merangkap Naqibah sy jgk skrg iaitu Dr Radziah, yg merupakan Family Medcine Specialist kt Klinik Kesihatan Ampang menerima dgn hati terbuka. Bermula lah journey sy bersama Bulatan Gembira. Alhamdulillah. Rupa-rupanya Allah sebaik2 perancang. Walaupun sy menunggu agak lama feedback dr Eyka tapi Allah mudahkan jalan utk berusrah dgn Dr Radziah melalui Fateen. Subhanallah, indahnya perjalanan ni.
Masih ingin share pasal pembelajaran & pengalaman menarik sepanjang 6 bulan ni. Insyaallah next post pulak. Yg menariknya, Alhamdulillah kwn2 ramai yg berminat tanya psl Bulatan Gembira jgk.
Sisters Bulatan Gembira semuanya friendly & knowledgeable. Alhamdulillah. Masih banyak perubahan yg kena buat dari banyak segi. Semoga dipermudahkan. Amin.
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Me with usrah from IKRAM Malaysia were joining Aqsa Syarif's Donation for Syria & Palestine. |
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Me with usrahmates; Fateen & Dahlia, also Kak Zai at Baitul Muslim 2.0, PICC. |
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My beloved mama, abah & Eyka |
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
[Not] so long case exam, again
I just love O&G posting. As much as i love the previous Rural & Urban posting. O&G provides new interesting experience yet very challenging. In RUBAN i gained so much new knowledge from different prospective of health care.
Less than 7 days i'm gonna have long case for end posting exam. Wish me luck. Semoga sy dpt case yg betul2 sy familiar with, dpt patient yg cooperative on that day dan examiner yg lembut hatinya utk bagi sy pass.
Semestinya semua itu adalah ihsan dari Allah SWT. Have to double or triple up the effort & pray hard. Insyaallah. Rabbi yassir wala tuassir.
By the way, these 2 days one of the specialist at O&G ward mengamuk sakan because of her assumption that we committed with some sort of cheating. Patient mengadu kt dia, katanya. Semoga dia tak cepat tua walaupun selalu marah ;p.
Kadang2 tengok status org kt facebook bila komen pasal sesuatu benda guna bahasa amatlah tak sesuai. Niat da bagus utk menegur kesilapan pihak lain tapi akhirnya nampak 2 x 5 je sbb bahasa yg digunakan tu seolah2 menghukum. Islam ajar utk medidik, bukan menghukum. Semoga sama2 kita jaga bahasa kita, Insyaallah.
I just love O&G posting. As much as i love the previous Rural & Urban posting. O&G provides new interesting experience yet very challenging. In RUBAN i gained so much new knowledge from different prospective of health care.
Less than 7 days i'm gonna have long case for end posting exam. Wish me luck. Semoga sy dpt case yg betul2 sy familiar with, dpt patient yg cooperative on that day dan examiner yg lembut hatinya utk bagi sy pass.
Semestinya semua itu adalah ihsan dari Allah SWT. Have to double or triple up the effort & pray hard. Insyaallah. Rabbi yassir wala tuassir.
By the way, these 2 days one of the specialist at O&G ward mengamuk sakan because of her assumption that we committed with some sort of cheating. Patient mengadu kt dia, katanya. Semoga dia tak cepat tua walaupun selalu marah ;p.
All the best batchmates!
Gonna miss hiruk pikuk in labour room. Really?
Monday, March 4, 2013
26 + 2
Yes, today i am 26 years + 2 days old..For me it's too old to be a degree student at this age. But it's quite cool to still studying and feeling muda belia as always.
There was no big cake, no presents, no celebration. Sesuai lah dengan usia kan. Tapi still ada yg belanja 1 slice cake, ada yg belanja 15 cucuk sate & latest today ada yg bagi 1 bar chocolate cadburry. Alhamdulillah, Ada jgk rezeki tu. Thanks friends yg sudi belanja. Semoga murah rezeki. ( I believe more post birthday presents are coming. Hehe)
I'm looking forward for another great year, good health, good results & of course more amalan for akhirat's investment. Insyaallah.
Yes, today i am 26 years + 2 days old..For me it's too old to be a degree student at this age. But it's quite cool to still studying and feeling muda belia as always.
There was no big cake, no presents, no celebration. Sesuai lah dengan usia kan. Tapi still ada yg belanja 1 slice cake, ada yg belanja 15 cucuk sate & latest today ada yg bagi 1 bar chocolate cadburry. Alhamdulillah, Ada jgk rezeki tu. Thanks friends yg sudi belanja. Semoga murah rezeki. ( I believe more post birthday presents are coming. Hehe)
I'm looking forward for another great year, good health, good results & of course more amalan for akhirat's investment. Insyaallah.
My comot yet yummy oreo cheese cake. Thanks jira.
Thanks to family & friends for the thoughts & wishes. Extra thanks Fateen Najlaa for the sate & thanks Sakinah for the chocolate.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Jumaat Mubarak
Today is Jumaat, again. Alhamdulillah. I just love Friday. Back then when i were in school at Kelantan Friday & Saturday are our weekend. So we just lepak with family on Friday. Usually we went back to Pasir Mas (abah's kampung) and visit kubur our grandparents & relatives. Yes, abah's family visit kubur very often, other than on Hari Raya.
So, lets collect the syafaat on this 'Penghulu Segala Hari' start from zikir, infaq & recite surah Al-Kahfi. Insyaalllah banyak syafaatnya utk saham akhirat & ketenangan di dunia.
Today is Jumaat, again. Alhamdulillah. I just love Friday. Back then when i were in school at Kelantan Friday & Saturday are our weekend. So we just lepak with family on Friday. Usually we went back to Pasir Mas (abah's kampung) and visit kubur our grandparents & relatives. Yes, abah's family visit kubur very often, other than on Hari Raya.
So, lets collect the syafaat on this 'Penghulu Segala Hari' start from zikir, infaq & recite surah Al-Kahfi. Insyaalllah banyak syafaatnya utk saham akhirat & ketenangan di dunia.
Jom amalkan lepas waktu Asar & Subuh setiap hari, salah 1 bacaan dlm Al-Mathurat
Thursday, February 28, 2013
By the way i should finish up my very last case write up for this O&G posting. Insyaallah will finish very soon. Usaha, usaha & usaha.
In every single thing that we do in this precious life, deserves our best effort. Allah counts on the effort despite whatever result that we get later on.
Setiap perkara ada tujuannya. Kita dihidupkan di dunia pun ada tujuan sebagai khalifah Allah, bukan sekadar suka2. Meh sama2 double kn usaha dlm setiap perkara utk elakkan diri jd golongan yg rugi.
p/s: thinking of one of the tips from Ibu Wiwi, who is a mother of 10 hafiz & hafizah from Indonesia, mentioned that her husband wakes up for solat malam every night without fail for their successful life dunia akhirat. that counts as an effort though. jom sama2 practice solat malam.
By the way i should finish up my very last case write up for this O&G posting. Insyaallah will finish very soon. Usaha, usaha & usaha.
In every single thing that we do in this precious life, deserves our best effort. Allah counts on the effort despite whatever result that we get later on.
Setiap perkara ada tujuannya. Kita dihidupkan di dunia pun ada tujuan sebagai khalifah Allah, bukan sekadar suka2. Meh sama2 double kn usaha dlm setiap perkara utk elakkan diri jd golongan yg rugi.
Nak start exercise without excuse lepas ni!
p/s: thinking of one of the tips from Ibu Wiwi, who is a mother of 10 hafiz & hafizah from Indonesia, mentioned that her husband wakes up for solat malam every night without fail for their successful life dunia akhirat. that counts as an effort though. jom sama2 practice solat malam.
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