I went home last weekend. Yes, i mean hometown which is Kota Bharu Bandaraya Islam. It was my third time back home within 2 months. Good record. Hehe.
Balik rumah sebab abah warded due to prolong fever with jaundice. Demam lebih seminggu even completed antibiotic. Menurut doctor, there was elevated liver enzymes, obviously lah sbb ada jaundice kan. Urea and creatinine pun a bit high. Tapi Alhamdulillah abah dah discharged dan demamnya beransur berkurangan. Disebabkan liver enzymes & electrolytes level improved doctor bagi discharged dengan antibiotic. Tapi blood test serology still pending. Abah kata 21hb baru jumpa doctor utk review blood result. Insyaallah takde pape lah.
Actually 14th April which is Sunday was abah's birthday. Sempat lah beli cake sebijik utk abah. Yg penting bukan saya yg sponsor cake tu. Im just a student, what do u expect? Hehe. Alhamdulillah ada hikmah rupanya abah warded since semua anak2, menantu & cucu berkumpul bersama abah.
Yg menariknya meriah sungguh suasana di ambang PRU13 di KB. Rasa nyaman je sbb sepanjang jalan dipenuhi dengan color 'tumbuhan'. Sejuk sikit rasanya. Tapi yg penting akidah, akhlak dan adab kena jaga di musim PRU13 ni sbb banyak jgk fitnah, caci maki kedua belah pihak kepada pihak lawan. Jangan juga sampai terputus silaturrahim sebab isu politik pula. Amatlah cetek ilmu kita kalo terjadi macam tu. Nauzubillah. Semoga Allah lindungi kita semua dan Malaysia dibawah kepimpinan yg diredhai Allah. Insyaallah.
By the way, Insyaallah next week sy start nk edar stock tudung akel bidang 50 & 60. Kawan2 do sms, pm, bbm, whatsapp, we chat or call utk dapatkan tudung akel with lower price.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Duet saya, rezeki dia
Seminar petang tadi telah cancel dengan jayanya sbb Doctor on leave utk jaga isterinya yg bersalin. Sweet Doc, Insyaallah rumah tangga terus bahagia. Hehe. So disebabkan ke'sweet'an doctor tu kami pun maafkan dia sebab cancelkan class :) (even we really upset about this.haha.seriously since we love to finish classes in the first 4 weeks of posting).
Saya ambil kesempatan class takde utk servis si whitey yg dah lama terlebih tarikh utk diservis. Sejujurnya selepas guna kereta pinjam ihsan dr Abah sy lebih berjimat cermat. Jauh beza dengan zaman dulu2 yg suka sungguh shopping. Sekarang berbelanja wisely, Insyaallah la kot. At least pd sy wisely pd org lain sy tak tau.
Bila difikir2 betul kata Ustaz UAI,
" Duet yang ada dalam poket kita, purse kita mahupun akaun bank kita belum tentu lg rezeki kita, Mungkin rezeki taukeh bengkel kereta, rezeki taukeh hypermarket, mungkin rezeki si polan utk kita belanja dan sebagainya. Tapi yg pasti rezeki kita adalah duet yg kita sedekahkan pd org yg kurang berkemampuan."
(Sorry if there's any few words that i purposely add on. Hehe)
Marilah kita jadikan semua duet2 kita tu rezeki kita dgn bersedekah. Tapi iyalah, kena menabung jgk utk keperluan kita. Yang penting, jgn membazir dan jangan sesekali lokek atau kedekut nk bersedekah. The more u give, the more u get back. Insyaallah.
Macam sy hari ni, memang lah duet sy td dah jadi rezeki Perodua. Tapi Alhamdulillah rezeki sy dapat detect tayar ada bocor sbb pijak paku yg agak besar jgk lah. (Meaning, more Ka-ching! Hehe)
Seminar petang tadi telah cancel dengan jayanya sbb Doctor on leave utk jaga isterinya yg bersalin. Sweet Doc, Insyaallah rumah tangga terus bahagia. Hehe. So disebabkan ke'sweet'an doctor tu kami pun maafkan dia sebab cancelkan class :) (even we really upset about this.haha.seriously since we love to finish classes in the first 4 weeks of posting).
Saya ambil kesempatan class takde utk servis si whitey yg dah lama terlebih tarikh utk diservis. Sejujurnya selepas guna kereta pinjam ihsan dr Abah sy lebih berjimat cermat. Jauh beza dengan zaman dulu2 yg suka sungguh shopping. Sekarang berbelanja wisely, Insyaallah la kot. At least pd sy wisely pd org lain sy tak tau.
Bila difikir2 betul kata Ustaz UAI,
" Duet yang ada dalam poket kita, purse kita mahupun akaun bank kita belum tentu lg rezeki kita, Mungkin rezeki taukeh bengkel kereta, rezeki taukeh hypermarket, mungkin rezeki si polan utk kita belanja dan sebagainya. Tapi yg pasti rezeki kita adalah duet yg kita sedekahkan pd org yg kurang berkemampuan."
(Sorry if there's any few words that i purposely add on. Hehe)
Marilah kita jadikan semua duet2 kita tu rezeki kita dgn bersedekah. Tapi iyalah, kena menabung jgk utk keperluan kita. Yang penting, jgn membazir dan jangan sesekali lokek atau kedekut nk bersedekah. The more u give, the more u get back. Insyaallah.
Macam sy hari ni, memang lah duet sy td dah jadi rezeki Perodua. Tapi Alhamdulillah rezeki sy dapat detect tayar ada bocor sbb pijak paku yg agak besar jgk lah. (Meaning, more Ka-ching! Hehe)
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Do u recognize them? They are not Fahrin Ahmad & Zizan Razak. They are Ustaz Don Daniyal & UAI ;p |
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Cut down, please
Lately i'm too concern about how many calories did i take per day. Lately meaning these 3 days. Very current lah kan. Actually was weighed myself using special penimbang that shows your composition of fat, your metabolic age, water composition, visceral fat and your composition of muscle during 'shake party' by mami.
At first i was like, "ok, not that bad. my BMI still normal, visceral fat ok lah. Urm, muscle tak payah la banyak sgt & fat composition pun not that bad. Air memang kurg minum pun. Takpelah mungkin metabolic age tak penting". So typical attitude of people that live in denial like ME, as expected. Tgk badan la kan. Haha.
But then when i started to think that i'm gaining weight from day to day despite my 2 meals per day without any snack, it's actually a disaster. I eat wrong food each day. Very high calorie, very unhealthy. Exercise definitely ZERO. And oh yes, my metabolism rate is very low since my daily calorie that my body can tolerate is only 1227 calorie. Very low. So need to cut down daily calorie intake some more.
Don't get me wrong since i'm not promoting any product here, but i'm kinda try to adjust my meal. Dinner take high fiber cracker with milo or mushroom soup seems ok. Provided 2-3 pieces for each meal. Kalo 7,8 pieces blh bantai nasi goreng terus kot. Hehe. For lunch take normal rice since the essence of hungry during lunch is irresistible. Agree? Sangat lapar kan. Breakfast usually tak makan pun since tak sempat or sometimes take milo. Ok kot. 1 more thing maybe i can substitute my favourite teh ice with plain water. So save 150 calorie for creamer in teh ice.
The actual story that i wanna tell here is actually i was too hungry today since i just managed to have sandwich for brunch, then i went to Kg Melayu after class and bought our 1Malaysia favourite goreng pisang & keropok lekor. ( Sorry i lend the word 1Malaysia here.hehe). Lepas bantai like 4 pieces goreng pisang & 5 pieces keropok lekor sgt menyesal sbb i checked the calorie is actually 170 calorie per pieces. Damn. Very sad. Tapi nikmat makan tu sometimes rasanya very worth it jugak for temporarily, not long term. So how to manage your meal and calorie intake with some consideration of your desire to eat? Need very high discipline aka istiqamah. Let's strive for healthy meal and take care our amanah aka our body.
p/s; for exercise type person don't need to worry about calorie intake since u burn up calorie every day
p/s; i got gastritis plus vomiting last night because i tried to cut down my calorie intake with some replacement how?
Lately i'm too concern about how many calories did i take per day. Lately meaning these 3 days. Very current lah kan. Actually was weighed myself using special penimbang that shows your composition of fat, your metabolic age, water composition, visceral fat and your composition of muscle during 'shake party' by mami.
At first i was like, "ok, not that bad. my BMI still normal, visceral fat ok lah. Urm, muscle tak payah la banyak sgt & fat composition pun not that bad. Air memang kurg minum pun. Takpelah mungkin metabolic age tak penting". So typical attitude of people that live in denial like ME, as expected. Tgk badan la kan. Haha.
But then when i started to think that i'm gaining weight from day to day despite my 2 meals per day without any snack, it's actually a disaster. I eat wrong food each day. Very high calorie, very unhealthy. Exercise definitely ZERO. And oh yes, my metabolism rate is very low since my daily calorie that my body can tolerate is only 1227 calorie. Very low. So need to cut down daily calorie intake some more.
Don't get me wrong since i'm not promoting any product here, but i'm kinda try to adjust my meal. Dinner take high fiber cracker with milo or mushroom soup seems ok. Provided 2-3 pieces for each meal. Kalo 7,8 pieces blh bantai nasi goreng terus kot. Hehe. For lunch take normal rice since the essence of hungry during lunch is irresistible. Agree? Sangat lapar kan. Breakfast usually tak makan pun since tak sempat or sometimes take milo. Ok kot. 1 more thing maybe i can substitute my favourite teh ice with plain water. So save 150 calorie for creamer in teh ice.
The actual story that i wanna tell here is actually i was too hungry today since i just managed to have sandwich for brunch, then i went to Kg Melayu after class and bought our 1Malaysia favourite goreng pisang & keropok lekor. ( Sorry i lend the word 1Malaysia here.hehe). Lepas bantai like 4 pieces goreng pisang & 5 pieces keropok lekor sgt menyesal sbb i checked the calorie is actually 170 calorie per pieces. Damn. Very sad. Tapi nikmat makan tu sometimes rasanya very worth it jugak for temporarily, not long term. So how to manage your meal and calorie intake with some consideration of your desire to eat? Need very high discipline aka istiqamah. Let's strive for healthy meal and take care our amanah aka our body.
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Amat lah nikmat.hehe |
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they say these are the worst food. what do u say? |
p/s; for exercise type person don't need to worry about calorie intake since u burn up calorie every day
p/s; i got gastritis plus vomiting last night because i tried to cut down my calorie intake with some replacement how?
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