Monday, December 3, 2012

Leisure December


I skipped November and manage to post an entry in December. It's an achievement for me.huhu..At least takde la terus lupa pasal blog. Currently i am at Teluk Intan for Rural Health posting. I love this posting, honestly. Rural people are very humble and cooperative. This posting also the most leisure posting ever. We went to Pulau Pangkor last Saturday and it was fun. Best sangat round pulau ramai-ramai.

Pulau Pangkor

RUBAN 3rd rotation at Pangkor

we as a tourist at Pulau Giam

BTW, i would like to congratulate my darling sista, Fateen Najlaa Idayu for officially being an Advocate & Solicitor last Friday. Very proud of u, darling. U are just being great and blessed with the excellent journey as a lawyer. Congrats, dear lawyer.

The scary vampire, opps, lawyer i mean.

That's all for this short entry..

Alhamdulillah i manage to enter my 6th semester. 3 more posting for 3rd year and i need to pass all 3 postings. Thanks Allah for the smooth Surgical & Medical posting. Alhamdulillah.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

how to manage a blog?


Masyaallah. Almost 4 months after the previous post then i realized that i haven't write anything. Huhu. Its tough to manage a blog. Anyway bukan nk dapat hasil pun dgn blog ni. Cuma bila ada perkongsian elok jugak dikongsi.

By the way, i am almost finish with my second posting. They used to say the 'hell' posting which is Medicine posting. Just done with long case yesterday and is preparing for written exam tomorrow. Semoga dipermudahkan exam esok. Hasilnye bergantunglah pada ihsan Allah. Insyaallah akan diberi yg terbaik oleh Allah. Talking about Medicine posting, it is really though. U need to be strong and stay strong indeed. But, at the end of the day, when u always remind yourself that u've been doing this because of Him, then u will feel much better. Alhamdulillah, the 8 tough weeks is over. Syukur. Welcome RUBAN posting, Insyaallah.

Wanna share that i have started my usrah session at Keramat. Alhamdulillah. The sisters all are from professional field and very glad to share so many ilmu with them. The naqibah also from medical field. Sangat selesa berkongsi ilmu bersama dan paling penting rasa tanggungjawab and pengorbanan pada diri sendiri dlm mencari ilmu yg jauh lebih penting tercapai. Alhamdulillah. Semoga terus istiqamah dan dipermudahkan. Insyaallah. Walaupun jauh dan mencabar jgk nak ulang alik ke Kl setiap Khamis tapi Insyaallah hasilnya sangat berbaloi. Semoga Allah redha dgn usaha kali ni. Amin.

So, lets gain more ilmu, lets have some reading. Semoga ilmu akhirat kita setanding dgn ilmu dunia yg kita kejar selama kita hidup. Insyaallah. Reminder for this time, Allah is always watching what we are doing, He's always by our side and He knows what are we thinking of.

Anyway, i cannot manage to write regularly. Its tough to manage a blog actually :p

Will going back home this Saturday with the special guest, Insyaallah.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

marilah jadi manusia yang cerdik


Its Ramadhan 5 and its 3rd week of surgery posting. Time flies damn fast.
Im quite lucky to be in this posting compared to few frens whose doing Medcine or O&G posting. But still hectic as clinical years supposed to be. Alah bisa tegal biasa, Insyaallah.

Saya suke Ramadhan. Feeling nye sgt berbeza dan indah sgt. Rasa selamat, rasa tenang dan rasa penuh disiplin. Harapnye terus istiqamah dgn ibadat dan semoga tak hangat2 tahi ayam utk minggu pertama ni je,mudah-mudahan.

Meh kita plan utk yg lebih baik pd minggu Ramadhan yg ke 2 ni. Plan shopping raya pun boleh tp jgn lah melebihi plan utk terawih dan ibadat-ibadat lain.Sedekah di bulan ni pun elok jgk kan. Jgn kita makan sampai membazir tp nk sedekah kt org seringgit dua pn berkira sedangkan org tu tak bernasib baik sebagaimana kita. Biarlah kita share rezeki yg ada, Insyaallah akan diberi rezeki yg lebih oleh Allah pd masa akan datang.

Perkongsian utk hari ni:

Semoga kita sama2 tergolong dalam golongan yg cerdik lagi bijak pandai. Amin.

p/s: got mild diarrhea because of bazaar.huhu

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

my [low] memory capacity


Its been three months since the last post..I forgot that i have a blog. That's the fact. Now i realized how bad my memory is despite i was doing the memory booster elective presentation last week. Should apply it myself. Huhu.

But who cares since only few people read this blog. hehe..I'm currently at home and three days more will be going to Sungai Buloh campus as a third year medical student. Clinical year, finally..Alhamdulillah..Hopefully will be able to finish the study in three years, Insyaallah..By the way, most of the friends are enjoying their working life already and im still finishing my MBBS. How lucky i am, rite. (yes, i feel blessed,honestly).

Alhamdulillah for these two years, for the pre-clinical professional exam's result, for the rezeki and for the health. How Allah do love me & family..Syukur, alhamdulillah. The pain, the tears and the sweat will be continued until my last breath but the joy also there, Insyaallah. Ramadhan is coming and i do prepare the omeprazole and magnesuim salicylate to avoid gasatritis. The most important is mental and spiritual preparation for the blessed month, Insyaallah..I need to plan to be better than last year. So, salam Ramadhan everyone and salam Nifsu Syaaban today. May Allah showers us with His bless and barakah. Amin.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

tanpa tajuk


Subhanallah Maha Suci Allah yang masih membenarkan diri menghirup udara pagi dan mengalirkan darah utk membekalkan oksigen ke seluruh isi organ pinjaman Allah SWT..Semoga hari ini lebih baik dan dipermudahkan segala urusan, Insyaallah.

Hidup sentiasa diuji kerana itulah janji Allah. Semakin kita mengeluh semakin jauh kita tersasar dari didikan  jiwa melalui ujian tersebut. Masyaallah. Tapi sebagai manusia diri sendiri juga tak terlepas daripada rasa semua tu. Mengeluh, mengeluh dan terus mengeluh. Astaghfirullah, khilafnye diri ni. Jadi pasangkan tekad, pekakkan telinga, butakan mata dengan ape jua provokasi melalui lisan, perbuatan mahupun ape-ape supaya diri tak rasa goyah dengan emosi. Walaupun tanpa seorang sahabat sekalipun, masih ada keluarga utk memberi sokongan setiap hari. Insyaallah

 Doa,doa dan doa

Semalam juga terima berita gembira. Alhamdulillah. Allah izin utk merasa sedikit nikmat. Tinggal lagi utk usaha lebih utk pro preclinical exam minggu depan. Semoga dipermudahkan. Amin.

p/s: fully writing in bahasa maybe sounds not real aka skema.but its quite nice. the exam is coming very soon. my heart beating faster but i have faith in Allah.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

unconditional love


Perkongsian utk hari ni, jika inginkan rezeki yang mencurah-curah seperti air hujan amalkan membaca surah A-Syams, Al-Lail, Al- Falaq dan An-Nas pada setiap waktu terbenam matahari (selepas solat Asar). Jikalau terlupa, boleh lah diqada' pada bila-bila masa. Semoga kita sama-sama mendapat manfaat bila mengamalkan surah-surah tersebut. Insyaallah.

mood: abah's 57th birthday (Che Ab Ghani Bin Adam)

Sepatotnye da lama ucapan ni ditulis kat blog tapi macam sibuk sikit ngan hal-hal lain..Abah punye birthday 14 April..So wishing abah happy belated birthday. Stay healthy as u are today since u are the superman in the family. Wishing u lots of happiness, barakah and rezeki as well.

In any situation, u always support me, believe in my future with your doa and always have confident in anything that i do. Thanks abah..No one have so much trust in me as you are. Thanks again, abah.

U are the super best father in the world with your motivation, dedication, kindness and love to the family. You are the first man in my life and always be the first. Hopefully u have a great achievement this year. A year older, a year wiser. Insyaallah.

 abah & mama after their wedding ceremony

 abah & mama during last raya

Also wishing moksu & ayah jar happy belated birthday. May allah showers both of u with happiness, good health & barakah.Amin.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

professional pre-clinical examination very soon


"Telah hampir datangnya saat yg dekat itu (hari kiamat)." Surah Al-Najm ayat 57..Perkongsian dan peringatan untuk diri sendiri dan sahabat-sahabat utk hari ni.

Lately quite busy with previous test of GIT module aka last test in pre clinical, insyaallah..(i assume as if i pass the pro exam,of course). Now is on study leave for 3 weeks..Sounds very long time to study but actually within 3 weeks we might have only few days after deduct all the time that we are going to spend for revision classes..Fortunately the lecturers are so kind to give their time to revise the important topics for this 2 years for each subjects..It really does help,u know. At least for medical student.

Actually, pass or fail is already been written up there. Allah knows the outcome. But for this time being i have to study hard, doa and lastly face it with tawakal. So better be positive and stay focus. Wish me luck,frens. wish us luck.

"Ya Allah, kalo aku ditakdirkan utk berada dlm bidang ini, Kau permudahkanlah exam aku ni. Kalo sebaliknya, Kau gagalkanlah aku. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha mengetahui. Amin"

Saturday, April 7, 2012



Kata orang tua, buat baik berpada-pada, buat jahat jangan sekali..Walaupun ada sedikit percanggahan dengan tuntutan agama di mana kita diseru utk selalu berbuat baik, tetapi secara realitinya pepatah orang lama sangat relevan utk diguna pakai sepanjang zaman. Sifat manusia yang suka mengambil kesempatan mengharuskan kita supaya taklah terlalu mengharap pada sesebuah persahabatan. Ingatan utk diri sendiri dan juga sahabat-sahabat.

Few days ago i read a few blogs from various background. The bloggers that are currently suffering from chronic diseases and live with them positively..How strong their faith in Allah and they take the illnesses that they are suffering of as a gift from Allah. I'm touched, honestly. Rasa sangat bersyukur dengan nikmat kesihatan yg Allah bagi setiap hari. Alhamdulillah..

So, today i wanna share about the treatment of HIV from a blog with friends, medic friends especially. This HIV patient know about the disease well maybe better than us and he explained about the HAART (antiretrovirus) thoroughly in his blog. So, feel free to browse the link:

HIDUP MESTI DITERUSKAN: 38 - ANTIRETROVIRAL TELAN UBAT SEHARI SEKALI?: L ama juga saya berpeluang berborak dengan pembantu doktor pakar penyakit hiv/aids Kak Zaiton pada pada 8 january 2012 yang lalu di hospi...

For medical sake, we can understand better about the treatment. Sebagai manusia, jadikan pengajaran kisah-kisah orang yg kurang bernasib baik ni..Kita mungkin sempurna di mata masyarakat tetapi kita belum pasti tentang pengakhiran kita nanti..Kejarlah usnul khotimah, wahai hamba Allah, Insyaallah.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

the physiology of living..


It's Thursday already..Meaning 1 more week to finish GIT module,Insyaallah..Please study hard, pray hard and istiqamah with zikir and doing good things.

Life is a short journey despite the long lasting 'akhirat' that waiting us very soon and Allah always tests His servants in many ways to surprise us with His rewards. Do believe in it.

As i promised in the previous entry, today i wish to share a sentence from holy Quran for 'jodoh'..Allah sudah menetapkan jodoh, rezeki dan ajal kita tetapi adalah lebih baik utk kita terus meminta yg terbaik utk setiap perkara dalam hidup kita. Itu dinamakan berusaha dan Allah sangat sukakan hambaNya yg meminta kepadaNya dalam setiap perkara..

Ayat tersebut ialah dari Surah Al-Furqan, ayat 74 yg bermaksud;
" Dan orang yg berdoa, 'Ya Tuhan kami, anugerahkanlah kepada kami pasangan kami dan keturunan kami sebagai penyenang hati (kami), dan jadikanlah kami pemimpin bagi orang yg bertakwa'".

Sama-sama lah kita cuba amalkan utk dapat jodoh yg paling baik utk kita di mata Allah, Insyaallah. Semoga sama-sama mendapat manfaat.

That's all for this entry..

 Most of the doctors are as superb & scary as me!

p/s: wanna share that i was scolded by a lecturer on the phone.need to be prepared to hear more maki from doctors during clinical years soon..semoga dipermudahkan.amin

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

tremendous tuesday


Allah always have many ways to elicit happiness in His servants.Subhanallah..Alhamdulillah for the bless and rezeki that i received each & every day..Hope many good things surround me myself, family and friends in the future..Amin

Sharing for today, do zikir Asma Al-Husna everydays for lots of benefit..Recite Al-Hakim in your free time will make everything easier in your daily life, Insyaallah.

Sharing for next entry is:

Insyaallah will share about it next time..

p/s: thanks to gadis najlaa.i love the kind of asma al-husna in a card form.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week [end]


Perkongsian utk hari ni adalah, hidayah itu perlu dicari sepertimana jodoh dan juga rezeki..Honestly i believe in it..We can't wait for the good things to come over us but we have to strive for it. Dalam soal jodoh, usaha yg saya tau buat setakat ni hanyalah doa dan doa..Semoga ada imam yg akan membimbing saya nanti,insyaallah..Tapi dlm konteks hidayah dan rezeki juga kita perlu selarikan doa dan usaha supaya Allah sentiasa kurniakan yg terbaik utk kita. Amin.

Yesterday was a tiring day. Somehow its seems too many things to be settled yet not complete. But its ok..At least put some effort towards it kan..Early morning went to Selayang hospital for bed site teaching as a preparation for joining clinical years very soon, Insyaallah..(doa pro exam pass, please)..The session was conducted by a 4th year student, Mr Hidzir. Banyak yg die tolong and bg sedikit sebanyak pendedahan. Hopefully da masuk clinical years nnt blh mintak tolong die lagi..Take home message for yesterday is completely reading the cinical medcine books before u enter your clinical year. Hopefully dapat la khatam buku-buku tu sebelum bulan 7.

So today after the revision class i went for a short meeting with CHE~. Dya, Siti & Yana sudi luangkan masa selepas few months tak jumpe..So many things to share in 2 hours. Tapi ok la dapat jgk bersua muka dan masing-masing pn membesar dengan jayanye.hehe

 us, 2 years back in graduation attires

us, today after heavy lunch.huhu

All the best to all of us..Always love u all for the sake of Allah..Semoga semuanye diberikan keberkatan dalam semua perkara.Amin

More sharing for today, the revision class was awesome..thanks for all tutors for your kindness to share your knowledge..Pray for your success always in life.Amin

Friday, March 30, 2012



Sesungguhnye bersangka baik itu lebih baik dan Allah SWT sangat sukakan org yg selalu bersangka baik dan berbuat baik..Peringatan utk diri sendiri for each & every day..Insyaallah.

Its been a long time that i have niat or keinginan nak tgk 1 movie from Indonesia. Despite all the merapu drama Indonesia yg ditayang kat tv, their movies are basically sgt nice.The movie yg nak ditonton adalah yang kat bawah ni:

Its Hafalan Shalat Delisa. Alhamdulillah berkesempatan tgk kat tayangan yg dibuat oleh Fac of Medcine siang tadi. Very nice movie with lots of pengajaran and ciri-ciri islamik..Even a few said the effect nampak tak real or the cinematography nampak tak elok, tp yg paling penting mesejnye sampai.

More pictures from the movie:

Take home messege is we have to prepare ourselves to meet Allah SWT whenever dipanggil oleh Dia..Kita tak penah tau bila masanye ajal akan menjemput kita.

That's all about the movie..the busy weekend is coming..Esok akan ke hospital Selayang, Insyaallah. More knowledge to gain as preparation for clinical years, hopefully.

More sharing, my favourite item at this momment:

Its Fossil's vintage handbag..

Tak tau la sampai bila berkenan ni.Maybe bila tgk yg lain akan berkenan yg lain pulak kan..The nature of being female i guess.

More sharing next time, Insyaallah

Thursday, March 29, 2012

the very first


No one read my first post this time i supposed. Actually im back to write in this blank paper after a long break..My first post as a degree student, first post as an adult. Truly adult, I think..Hopefully dapat share a bit about me in this blog utk sama-sama dapat benefits,insyaallah.

My very first sharing is an apple of our eyes, Ariq Rayyan

More sharing next time, hopefully..