Friday, March 30, 2012



Sesungguhnye bersangka baik itu lebih baik dan Allah SWT sangat sukakan org yg selalu bersangka baik dan berbuat baik..Peringatan utk diri sendiri for each & every day..Insyaallah.

Its been a long time that i have niat or keinginan nak tgk 1 movie from Indonesia. Despite all the merapu drama Indonesia yg ditayang kat tv, their movies are basically sgt nice.The movie yg nak ditonton adalah yang kat bawah ni:

Its Hafalan Shalat Delisa. Alhamdulillah berkesempatan tgk kat tayangan yg dibuat oleh Fac of Medcine siang tadi. Very nice movie with lots of pengajaran and ciri-ciri islamik..Even a few said the effect nampak tak real or the cinematography nampak tak elok, tp yg paling penting mesejnye sampai.

More pictures from the movie:

Take home messege is we have to prepare ourselves to meet Allah SWT whenever dipanggil oleh Dia..Kita tak penah tau bila masanye ajal akan menjemput kita.

That's all about the movie..the busy weekend is coming..Esok akan ke hospital Selayang, Insyaallah. More knowledge to gain as preparation for clinical years, hopefully.

More sharing, my favourite item at this momment:

Its Fossil's vintage handbag..

Tak tau la sampai bila berkenan ni.Maybe bila tgk yg lain akan berkenan yg lain pulak kan..The nature of being female i guess.

More sharing next time, Insyaallah

Thursday, March 29, 2012

the very first


No one read my first post this time i supposed. Actually im back to write in this blank paper after a long break..My first post as a degree student, first post as an adult. Truly adult, I think..Hopefully dapat share a bit about me in this blog utk sama-sama dapat benefits,insyaallah.

My very first sharing is an apple of our eyes, Ariq Rayyan

More sharing next time, hopefully..