Thursday, October 3, 2013

Ponder, dwell & have faith

The night is cold
Took the dreams away and you're getting old
You know the journey isn't easy though
But it's Him that leads you so
Do you realized how far you've been through?
Even you and no one believe it's true
Look into yourself, yes it's you
The path is more than one, not even two.

The soul is weird
The feeling is odd
It's the end I thought
The day I never forgot
He came then whispered, " Please return to your God"
Soon you turned back, " Yes, the answer i already got"
Ponder, dwell and have faith in Him, the thing you never regret.

(Me, 031013, 2210)

p/s: I've abandoned this blog for some time. I've been busy seeking for everything. Insyaallah. Will share about time facing death from Ustaz Ahmad Dasuki soon, Insyaallah. Till then. 
